RES in Transport barometer 2022

+ 4.3 % The increase of biofuels consumption for transport in the EU27 between 2020 and 2021 (in energy content)
The gradual lifting of lockdown restrictions during 2021 naturally led to increases in energy consumption in transport and with it the corresponding renewable biofuel or electricity shares. Preliminary estimates suggest that EU-27 biofuel consumption rose by about 4.3% between 2020 and 2021 at over 17 Mtoe (million tonnes equivalent of oil). The bioethanol share of this growth (11.0%) was stronger than that of biodiesel (2.2%). Biofuel consumption was boosted by the new Renewable Energies Directive (RED II), which devised a new computing method for measuring renewable electricity consumption in transport. This new methodology establishes this consumption at 21.9 TWh in 2021, equivalent to 1.9 Mtoe.

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