Solid biomass barometer 2011

EurObservER-Solid-Biomass-barometer-2011-baro206-fr-eng+ 8 % The growth of primary energy production from solid biomass in the EU between 2009 and 2010
The european Union Member states’ political resolve to develop the energy potential of solid biomass has started to pay off, as in 2010 there were clear signs that growth of primary energy production had quickened pace. The output figure rose to 79.3 Mtoe in 2010, which is 8% up on 2009 and deserves comparison with the previous year’s 4% rise (from 70.6 Mtoe in 2008). The trend, which was driven deeper by europe’s particularly cold winter of 2009-2010, demonstrates that the economic downturn failed to scuttle the Member states’ efforts to structure the solid biomass sector.

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